College of Health Professions
2024 Donor Impact Report
Dean Crystal G. Bennett
“The College of Health Professions is off to a great start thanks to the generous donations we have received to support our programs. We have a new skills and simulation lab in Myrick Hall to support interprofessional collaborative learning experiences for our students. Scholarships have been awarded to new and returning students in the Nursing and Exercise and Nutrition Sciences (EXNS) programs. Our donors are making a difference, and we are grateful for this support!”
- The College of Health Professions was established in May 2024.
- Our EXNS faculty, along with collaborators from across the University, was honored by Exercise is Medicine® (EIM) for their efforts to create a culture of wellness on the UM campus. The University earned silver-level designation from the Exercise is Medicine® On Campus (EIM-OC) program.
- The Coordinated Program in Dietetics has maintained a one-year pass rate of 100% on the Registered Dietician Nutritionist (RDN) certification exam.
- The Bachelor of Science in Nursing program received Alabama Board of Nursing approval in May 2024 and admitted their first cohort of students in August 2024.
- EXNS continues to be the second largest major on campus with 184 students currently enrolled (as of 9/5/24).
- We have new administration and faculty: Dr. Crystal Bennett (Nursing and College Dean), Dr. Greg Ryan (EXNS and Department Chair), Dr. Alicia Loggan (Nursing), Ms. Beth Lawyer (Nursing) and Dr. Charman Harper (Nursing).
- The College had two faculty members receive promotion: Dr. Stacy Bishop (promoted to professor) and Ms. Pat Pettit (promoted to senior instructor).
Donor Impact
“I enjoy the sense of community that’s here, and the people and the professors,” she said. “I fell in love with my team and the community that my team has built. That’s when I knew I belonged at Montevallo and decided to stay here and finish it out. And I’ve enjoyed my time here.”
– Anyla Shipman, who is an exercise and nutrition science major at the University of Montevallo